Saturday 29 May 2010


Are you sure you're happy? Why are you forcing youself to be happy when clearly you are not? I can see through you, you know I know you better.. That piece of junk isn't worth your love, for you deserve better. Your love is worth trading the WHOLE world for, and he don't even apprieciate you, he leaves you hanging when you need him the most, he leaves you crying alone , when you needed a shoulder to cry on, he won't even want to dance under the rain with you when you asked him to jst because he was afraid of getting sick!! But, I swear.. I'll treat you better, love you more than he does, i won't leave you hanging when you need me the most, I'll borrow your my shoulder anytime you need it, I'll dance with you anytime, anywhere. I won't rush you.. I'll love you forever, so even if your boyfriend is a stinking little boy, I'll always wait for the day I can finally love you and having you love me, no matter how many stinking boyfriend you'll have, I will be your last one :))

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